Transportation Planning

SBCAG performs a variety of transportation planning and study projects to advance the region’s long-range transportation planning. These projects either seek to implement a portion of the Regional Transportation Plan, or to assess long-term transportation needs for consideration in future iterations of the Regional Transportation Plan. Projects typically result from concerns raised by member jurisdictions, SBCAG Board members, or members of the public.
Transportation planning projects may be focused on a particular mode of travel or be comprehensive and assess travel by all modes within a specific geographic area.
Transportation studies are completed to assess and gain an understanding of issues impacting the transportation system. Studies explore a variety of alternatives to address issues, but do not create a commitment to any particular improvement. They are a necessary and beneficial first step in the process of improving the transportation system.
Transportation plans identify a long-term vision for improving the transportation system. Typically, plans identify specific projects and identify potential funding sources and delivery timelines. Plans build upon prior studies and planning efforts and are oftentimes more comprehensive than studies.