State Funding

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Senate Bill 1 (SB1)

Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, was signed into law on April 28, 2017. This legislative package invests $54 billion over the next decade to fix roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California and puts more dollars toward transit and safety. These funds will be split equally between state and local investments.

SB1 Programs

Local Partnership Program (LPP)

The primary objective of this program is to provide funding to counties, cities, districts, and regional transportation agencies in which voters have approved fees or taxes dedicated solely to transportation improvements or that have imposed fees, including uniform developer fees, dedicated solely to transportation improvements [as defined by Government Code Section 8879.67(b)]. Consistent with the intent behind Senate Bill 1, the Commission intends this program to balance the need to direct increased revenue to the state’s highest transportation needs while fairly distributing the economic impact of increased funding.

Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP)

The Solutions for Congested Corridors Program (SCCP) is a statewide, competitive program that provides funding to achieve a balanced set of transportation, environmental, and community access improvements to reduce congestion throughout the state. The SCCP makes $250 million available annually to projects that implement specific transportation performance improvements and are part of a comprehensive corridor plan, by providing more transportation choices while preserving the character of local communities and creating opportunities for neighborhood enhancement.

Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP)

The purpose of the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program is to provide funding for infrastructure improvements on federally designated Trade Corridors of National and Regional Significance, on California’s portion of the National Highway Freight Network, as identified in California Freight Mobility Plan, and along other corridors that have a high volume of freight movement. The Trade Corridor Enhancement Program will also support the goals of the National Highway Freight Program, the California Freight Mobility Plan, and the guiding principles in the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan.

This statewide, competitive program will provide approximately $300 million per year in state funding and approximately $515 million in National Highway Freight Program funds, if the federal program continues under the next federal transportation act.

Local Streets and Roads Program (LSRP)

SB 1 dedicated approximately $1.5 billion per year in new formula revenues apportioned by the State Controller (Controller) to cities and counties for basic road maintenance, rehabilitation, and critical safety projects on the local streets and roads system.

To be eligible to receive funding from the Controller, each year, cities and counties must submit a proposed project list adopted at a regular meeting by their board or council that is then submitted to the California Transportation Commission (Commission). Once reviewed and adopted by the Commission, the list of eligible cities and counties to receive funding is sent to the Controller to begin the apportionment process for that fiscal year.

In an effort to promote accountability and transparency in accordance with SB 1, the proposed project lists submitted by the cities and counties for funding eligibility are published on both this webpage and the Rebuilding California website. In addition to the lists, notices to adopt for funding eligibility and all other program related matters requiring Commission action are published on the Commission’s website and conducted at a public meetings.

Cities and counties must provide an Annual Project Expenditure Report to the Commission for each year in which program funding was received and expended. The Commission will then report the information collected in its Annual Report to the California Legislature that is due December 15, each year. The Annual Project Expenditure Report outcomes will also be published on the Commission’s website.

Active Transportation Program (ATP)

The Active Transportation Program was created by Senate Bill 99 to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as walking and biking.

The Active Transportation Program consolidated various transportation programs into a single program and was originally funded at about $123 million a year from a combination of state and federal funds. The goals of the ATP include, but are not limited to, increasing the proportion of trips accomplished by walking and biking, increasing the safety and mobility of non-motorized users, advancing efforts of regional agencies to achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals, enhancing public health, and providing a broad spectrum of projects to benefit many types of users including disadvantaged communities.

In 2017, the Legislature passed, and the Governor signed Senate Bill (SB) 1, also known as the Road Repair and Accountability Act. SB 1 directs $100 million annually from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account to the ATP, significantly augmenting the available funding for this popular program.

The most recent ATP cycle is Cycle 6, which was approved on December 7, 2022. Click here to see a summary of ATP Cycle 6 Awards for Santa Barbara County

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is the biennial five-year plan adopted by the Commission for future allocations of certain state transportation funds for state highway improvements, intercity rail, and regional highway and transit improvements. State law requires the Commission to update the STIP biennially, in even-numbered years, with each new STIP adding two new years to prior programming commitments.

SBCAG updates the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) biennially to identify projects to be funded with the county’s share of STIP funds.

For SBCAG’s 2024 RTIP Click Here

2024 RTIP Factsheet

State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP)

The SHOPP is a four-year document of projects that is adopted by the Commission after holding at least two public hearings and a finding of consistency with the Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). The adopted SHOPP is submitted to the Legislature and the Governor not later than April 1 of each even-numbered year. SHOPP projects are identified through periodic condition assessments and field reviews, through the biennial State Highway System Management Plan, are guided by the developing Transportation Asset Management Plan, and constrained to the funding in the adopted Fund Estimate. Funding for SHOPP projects is a mixture of Federal and State funds, including the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account created by SB 1. Projects included in the program shall be limited to capital improvements relative to the maintenance, safety, operation, and rehabilitation of the state highway system that do not add new capacity to the system.

State Transit Funding

State of Good Repair

State of Good Repair (SGR) is a program included under SB1 funding for investment in public transit maintenance, rehabilitations, and capital projects. Approximately $100 million is available annually and is distributed using a formula that divides half the funds according to population and half according to transit operator revenues. For FY21/22 – FY24/25, $2,672,000 is available in Santa Barbara County. The below table lists the projects programmed for this cycle.

State of Good Repair Program of Projects

Implementing Agency (and sponsor, if applicable)Project Title and DescriptionProject Category99313 Funding RequestedTotal 99313 Recommended Funding99313 Recommended Funding by FYYear of FundingTotal Project Cost
GuadalupeTransit Vehicle ReplacementReplacement Transit Capital$ –$95,40021/22$95,400
$ –22/23
$ –24/25
SYVTSolvang EV Charging StationRehabilitation Transit Capital$ –$205,00021/22$782,000
$ –23/24
$ –24/25
SBCAGRegional Transit Facility RehabilitationRehabilitation Transit Capital$700,000$350,000$350,00021/22$4,000,000
$ –22/23
$ –23/24
$ –24/25
SMATCapital Assistance (Replacement Bus & Infrastructure)Replacement Transit Capital$ –$821,60021/22$1,251,996
$ –$153,60023/24
$ –$668,00024/25
SBMTDMTD Facility Modernization Project (Phase 1)Rehabilitation Transit Capital$1,336,5241,200,000$318,00021/22$8,833,000
$ –$463,00022/23
$ –$419,00023/24
$ –24/25

Low Carbon Transit Operations Program

State of Good Repair (SGR) is a program included under SB1 funding for investment in public transit maintenance, rehabilitations, and capital projects. Approximately $100 million is available annually and is distributed using a formula that divides half the funds according to population and half according to transit operator revenues. For FY21/22 – FY24/25, $2,672,000 is available in Santa Barbara County. The below table lists the projects programmed for this cycle.
State of Good Repair Program of Projects

North County Allocations
City of Guadalupe Electric Bus Replacement$537,224
City of Solvang Electric Infrastructure Project$147,939
South Coast Allocation
Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (SBMTD): Purchase of One Forty Foot Electric Bus$304,350
Regional Allocation
SBCAG Transit Electrification Expansion Project$84,935

Access for All (AFA) Program

Access for All (AFA) Program
In 2018, The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) established a transportation network company (TNC) Access for All (AFA) Program to implement SB 1376, which incentivizes the expansion and accessibility of TNC on-demand services for persons with disabilities and those who need a wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV). Examples of TNCs include Uber and Lyft. The program is funded by collecting a $0.10 Access Fee from each TNC trip originating in Santa Barbara County, which can be used for projects that improve WAV service response times, availability, and/or promotional efforts.

SBCAG currently has $179,946 available from FY 19/20 that can be combined with and allocation of $163,489 from FY 20/21 for a two-year total of $343,435. FY 19/20 funds must be expended by June 30, 2023, and FY 20/21 funds must be expended by June 30, 2024.

More information about the program from the CPUC can be found on their website.

Application Process

The annual Call for Projects is released every spring. Applications and supporting documents must be emailed to or dropped off to the SBCAG office on 260 N San Antonio Rd Suite B, Santa Barbara. Proposals received via facsmile (fax) or by mail will not be considered.

List of Approved Access Providers

Care Connection Transport Services

Care Connection Transport Services serves specialized transportation needs by providing door-through-door ambulatory, wheelchair, gurney, and behavioral health transportation services to individuals with special needs and mobility limitations. To schedule a ride, call (805) 934-0592.

Ventura Transit System, Inc.

Ventura Transit System, Inc. provides on demand service for individuals in wheelchairs or who have a disability that makes using transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft inaccessible to them. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. To schedule a ride, call (805) 519-0009.

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